What does X feel like in your body?

What does X feel like in your body? Here, I'm experimenting with "confidence".

Noticing how I move, my posture, my stride length, my gaze, the sensations inside my body when I invite confidence, and then doing the same with a sense of lacking confidence. What it feels and looks like in my body might likely be different for you.

Playing with moving in and out of those, and what happens for me somatically, in body sensation, in emotion at the space where I change from one to the other.

Playing between and in these can help notice and increase awareness when our body reminds us that we need more support.

If I notice my body telling me I'm lacking confidence, (for example noticing my spine curling and my gaze going to the floor) I get to do something about it, to wonder and consider what is happening to cause that response and what I can do to support myself.

Everyone is different, experiment and play with what feels useful for you.

Video of Nes exploring how confidence feels in their body


Happy Imbolc


Wild & Wellbeing card Deck coming soon!