Do for yourself as you would do for others

I agree with the more common wording too, but the majority of people that I work with and my friends are so much harder on themselves than their friends and family.
Many give themselves a hard time for failing an exam, not getting that job, for their appearance, or making a mistake, whilst being incredibly compassionate and encouraging when others do the same.
When I notice I'm giving myself a hard time, it helps me to imagine a little me, or a dear friend. How would I treat her if she made that same mistake? What would I say to her? How would I soothe and encourage her?
Notice when you give yourself a hard time, that you wouldn't for someone else and see what it's like to speak in that same compassionate way to you.

Text: Do for others as you would do for yourself surrounded by watercolour plants

Ten Foundations for Safe Trauma Therapy


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